6:35AM - Maureen is awake.
6:40AM - Diaper is dry.
7:35AM - Maureen remains awake. She is chatting with herself.
8:05AM - We were about to get the morning started. Maureen fell back asleep.
Maureen began her day @ 8:20AM. She is in good spirits. Her diaper was light wet. Colleen and Maya performed a standard clean and change process. They then completed the new wash process to help reduce the possibility of skin irritation/fungus development. Maya wrapped up this process by applying a thin layer of Nystatin Ointment under both breasts and the inner forearm/elbow area of the right arm. This area is healing very nicely. There is a minute amount of redness. The steps we have taken to date worked.
Breakfast service began @ 8:55AM. Maureen's posture in the geri chair is good. We inserted both green wedge pillows and Magic Mike to make her more upright. Coughing was not an issue this morning. It happened only twice during breakfast.
Maureen will consume approximately 4 ounces of prune juice this morning. This is less than 50% of one of the plastic yellow cups.
Daily MiraLAX dosage: None
General observation @ 9:15AM> Maureen's demeanor is somewhat subdued this morning so far. She is quiet and not very active.
9:30AM - Maya administered the blood pressure medication.
9:36AM - Morning oral care session begins. Maya examined the upper right gum area around the implant. It is a little more inflamed/red since Friday. This area did not bleed at all when Maya used the brush cleaner and the tooth brush.
9:50AM - Maya cleaned Maureen's eyelashes with Johnson's Baby Shampoos and warm water. She then put a drop into each eye.
General observation @ 10:05AM> Maureen has been uttering the low moan/groan intermittently for at least the last 60 minutes.
10:25AM - Organic fruit smoothie. Maureen coughed only once while enjoying the purple haze.
10:55AM - Maya and Colleen transferred Maureen to the bedroom for the first of her two one-hour rest breaks to relieve pressure from her sacrum. The diaper was dry.
11:00AM - Maureen is now positioned on her left side where she will remain for the next hour.
12:00PM - First rest break concludes. Maureen's dialer is now medium wet. Maya and Colleen perform a standard clean and change.
12:25PM - Lunch | 1/2 turkey sandwich with mayonnaise on toasted whole wheat, homemade green peas and chicken soup and a serving of asparagus and broccoli. Maureen will also consume 1 12 ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water. Maureen coughed four times during the lunch service.
1:05PM - Afternoon oral care. While using the cleaning brush, the upper right gum bled slightly. This is due to the fact that it remains inflamed.
1:55PM - It is time for the second one-hour rest break. Colleen and Maya took Maureen to the bedroom. Her diaper was light wet. They performed a standard clean and change. Maureen is now positioned on her right side.
2:05PM - Maureen will now spend the next hour on her right side to relieve pressure on her sacrum.
3:05PM - Rest period #2 concludes. Maya and Colleen prepare to transfer Maureen to lift recliner in the front room. The diaper was light wet. They performed a standard clean and change.
3:25PM - Fruit snack TPIR style