6:30 am- Maureen is asleep. She is laying on her left side.
7:00 am- Maureen is sleeping, she is moving her arms and legs occasionally.
8:00 am- Maureen is still sound asleep.
9:00 am- Maureen is sleeping.
9:15 am- Maureen is waking up.
9:30 am- Maureen is fully awake now. We raised the bed and administered Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
9:40 am- We started our day. Maureen's diaper was dry. Dalia and I washed her upper body. Dressed and headed to the living room. We didn't transfer Maureen to the recliner, she is in the Geri chair.
10:00 am- Breakfast- Smoothie, 8 oz of prune juice with 1/4 cup of Miralax. No coughs.
Daily Miralax dosage- 1/4 cup.
10:30 am- Morning oral care. We reclined Maureen's chair after.
10:35 am- Facial routine.
11:00 am- Weekly visit with Ann Emberson, Maureen's RN. Lungs were clear. Heart rate was 78, T- 97.8, BP- 100/78
11:40 am- Dalia and I transferred Maureen to bed for a clean and change. Diaper was medium wet. We applied Cavilon Barrier film and Cavilon cream. Dressed and transferred Maureen to the wheelchair.
12:00 pm- Dalia and I took Maureen for a walk around the neighborhood.
12:45 pm- Lunch on the patio- Broccoli and cheddar soup, parm crisps with hummus, steamed carrots, half of yogurt cup. Maureen had one and a half cups of water. One cough.
1::35 pm- Oral care.
1:40 pm- We transferred Maureen to the bed. Diaper was medium wet. Dalia and I cleaned and changed her. She will lie on her right side starting at 2:00 pm.
3:30 pm- Rest break ends. Maureen's diaper was medium wet and had a very small formed bowel movement. Dalia and I cleaned and changed her. Dressed and headed to the front room.
3:45 pm- Fruit snack- watermelon and kiwi. Two coughs, one sneeze.
Wednesday, June 7 Daytime update