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Tuesday, August 15 Daytime update

  • 6:30 am- Maureen is sleeping, laying on her left side.

  • 7:00 am- Maureen opens her eyes from time to time, but goes back to sleep.

  • 7:30 am- Maureen is asleep.

  • 8:00 am- Maureen is still sound asleep.

  • 8:30 am- Maureen is still deeply asleep.

  • 9:00 - No change, Maureen is still sleeping.

  • 9:30 am- Maureen opens her eyes from time to time. She is calm.

  • 10:00 am- Maureen's eyes were open, she still looked very sleepy. We decided to raise her bed , administered Levothyroxine and give her a little time.

  • 10:05 am- BP is 109/77

  • 10:15 am- We started the day. Maureen's diaper was medium wet. Dalia and I cleaned and changed her. Applied Cavilon Barrier film and Cavilon cream. We washed Maureen's upper body.. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.

  • 10:30 am- Breakfast- Oatmeal smoothie, 6 oz of prune juice with 1/4 cup of Miralax. Maureen coughed twice.

  • 10:55 am- Administered Loratadin and Metoprolol.

  • Daily Miralax dosage- 1/4 cup.

  • 11:00 am- Morning oral care. We reclined Maureen's chair down.

  • 11.10 am- Nebulizer treatment with saline solution.

  • 11:20 am- Facial routine.

  • 12:00 pm- Maureen is sleeping in the chair.

  • 12:30 pm- Maureen is still sleeping.

  • 1:00 pm- Carolyn visited Maureen.

  • 1:05 pm- Lunch- Chicken noodle soup, parm crisps, steamed broccoli, half of yogurt, cup of lemon water. It was challenging feeling Maureen this time. She was very sleepy, her body was leaning forward and head was down, despite being in the reclined position. She ate with no energy. Couldn't finish her lunch. She only finished the soup.

  • 1:40 pm- Oral care.

  • 1:45 pm- We transferred Maureen to the bedroom for only rest break today. Diaper was medium wet and she had a medium loose bowel movement. Dalia and I cleaned her thoroughly, changed and positioned Maureen on her right side at 2:05 pm.

  • 2:10 pm- We noticed some redness on Maureen's inner fold of the left arm. Hydrocortisone was applied.

  • 2:15 pm- We tried to get Maureen's BP reading, but there was too much movement and we couldn't.

  • 3:20 pm- Second break ends. Maureen's diaper was medium wet. Dalia and I cleaned and changed it. Dressed and headed to the front room.

  • 3:35 pm- Fresh melon snack. No coughs.

  • 3:45 pm- BP is 143/99.

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