6:30 am- Maureen is asleep.
7:00 am- Maureen is sleeping.
7:30 am- Maureen opened her eyes for a while but fell back asleep.
8:00 am- Maureen is in and out of sleep.
8:30 am- Maureen barely opens her eyes and goes back to sleep again.
8:45 am- Maureen is waking up now.
9:00 am- We raised the bed and administered Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
9:10 am- We started the day. Maureen's diaper was medium wet. Dalia and I gave Maureen a full body bed bath using warmed wipes from the purple package and Aloe Vesta. Applied Cavilon Barrier film and Cavilon cream. Dressed and headed to the kitchen. Maureen gave us plenty of smiles, almost laughing with us! It was a beautiful start of the day!
9:30 am- Breakfast-Smoothie, 6 oz of prune juice with 1/4 cup of Miralax, cup of lemon water. Maureen coughed three times.
9:55 am- Administered Loratadin and Lisinopril.
Daily Miralax dosage- 1/4 cup.
10:00 am- Morning oral care. We reclined Maureen's chair down.
10:05 am- Facial routine.
10:45 am- Maureen is resting in the chair, snoozing for a few minutes at times.
11:20 am - We transferred Maureen to the bedroom for her first rest break. Diaper was medium wet. Dalia and I cleaned and changed her.. Positioned Maureen on the right side at 11:35 am.
12:30 pm- Rest break ends. Maureen's diaper was dry. Dalia and I proceeded with washing Maureen's hair with Ketoconazole shampoo 2%. Headed to the kitchen after.
12:45 pm- Dried and styled Maureen's hair. The scalp looks much better, not visible dry patches , no more white pieces coming off when brushing Maureen's hair.
12:55 pm- Lunch- vegetable soup, shrimp salad, steamed carrots, half of yogurt, cup of lemon water. Two coughs. Maureen finished her water during lunch.
1:30 pm- Oral care. We reclined Maureen's chair down.
2:00 pm- Maureen enjoyed Carolyn's visit and had a full cup of watermelon juice.
2:30 pm- We transferred Maureen to the bedroom for her second rest break. Diaper was heavy wet. Dalia and I cleaned and changed her. Maureen will lie on her left side for an hour starting at 2:45 pm.
3:45 pm- Maureen's second break is over. Her diaper was dry. We dressed and headed to the front room.
3:55 pm- Fresh fruit snack- melons, kiwi and pear. No coughs.
Thursday, July 13 Daytime update