8:00 am- Maureen is asleep. Tom said that she was awake for a little, got some sips of water and went back to sleep.
8:30 am- Maureen is calmly waking up.
8:40 am- We raised the bed and administered 75 mcg of Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
8:45 am- We started the day. Maureen's diaper was medium wet. Mayla and I cleaned and changed her. Applied Cavilon Barrier film and Cavilon cream. We washed Maureen's upper body. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
9:10 am- Breakfast- Omelette, 8 oz of prune juice with 1/2 cup of Miralax, couple of spoons of yogurt, cup of water. Maureen coughed twice.
Daily Miralax dosage- 1/2 cup.
9:40 am- Administered 10 mg of Loratadin.
9:45 am- Morning oral care. We reclined Maureen's chair down one notch.
9:50 am- Facial routine.
10:30 am- Maureen is snoozing.
10:55 am- BP- 110/65.
11:00 am- We transferred Maureen to the bedroom for her first rest break. Diaper was dry. We positioned her on the right side at 11:10 am.
12:10 pm- First rest break ends. Maureen's diaper was medium wet and she had a large very soft bowel movement. Mayla and I cleaned and changed her. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
12:30 pm- Lunch- Oatmeal smoothie, couple of spoons of yogurt. No coughs.
1:00 pm- Oral care.
1:30 pm- Maureen is sipping on sparkling water.
2:00 pm- We transferred Maureen to the bedroom for rest break # 2. Diaper was dry. She will lie on her left side for an hour starting at 2:10 pm.
3:10 pm- Maureen's second rest break ends. Her diaper was dry. We dressed and transferred her to the recliner.
3:20 pm- Maureen is enjoying her treatment with Sister Roberta.
3:45 pm- Fresh watermelon snack. No coughs.
5:00 pm- Dinner- Salmon, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, cup of water. Maureen coughed twice.
5:15 pm- Deacon Andy came for Sunday service.
6:00 pm- Administered 12.5 ml Vimpat and 5 mg Olanzapine with apple sauce.
6:15 pm- Evening oral care.
6:25 pm- We transferred Maureen to the bedroom. Her diaper was heavy wet and she had a large loose bowel movement. Mayla and I cleaned and changed her. Applied Cavilon cream. Applied Cetaphil lotion to her face, hands, legs and feet. Positioned Maureen on her left side.
BP- 115/70
T- 97.3
P- 82
6:50 pm- Maureen is asleep.
Sunday, December 3 Daytime update
Updated: Dec 3, 2023