6:35AM - Maureen is sleeping. She is coughing a bit. Djon checked her diaper.
7:00AM - Maureen is now awake. She is lightly stirring—chatting with herself a bit.
Our day officially began @ 8:05AM. Maureen is in good form. She is chatty. Her diaper is slightly wet. Djon cleaned her thoroughly using warmed wipes from the purple packet. He applied a small amount of A+D Ointment to the pressure sore on Maureen's tail bone. We put a new pull up and a pair of freshly laundered shorts on Maureen.
Pressure sore update - In Djon's assessment, there is no change in the pressure sore. We need to keep a watchful eye on it.
Breakfast service began @ 8:30AM. Djon gave Maureen her thyroid pill jut before feeding her. Maureen's posture in the geri chair is good. She is tilting a bit to the left. We placed a green wedge pillow on each side of her.
Maureen will consume 1/2 a cup of undiluted prune juice during breakfast this morning.
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS @ 8:42AM> Maureen's eyes are wide open. Arms and hands are relaxed. They are resting at her waistline.
Maureen coughed 4-5 times during breakfast—the average is 2-3 times. She also sneezed twice.
9:42AM - We headed out for a stroll through the neighborhood. Our stroll took us around Grennan Heights and back home.
10:36AM - We returned home. Maureen's pull up was wet. We took her to the bedroom for a clean and change. Right as we were prepared to get Maureen dressed, she urinated again. Djon thoroughly cleaned Maureen. He applied another small amount of A+D Ointment on the pressure sore on Maureen's tail bone.
11:07AM - Organic fruit smoothie time.
12:30PM - The world renowned team of DOKA (Djon and Kathy) popped into the abode on Osceola to work their magic on Maureen's hair. We are so grateful DOKA fit Maureen into their schedule. This dynamic duo was just anointed the head stylists of the Taliban. They will be headed to Kabul to tend to the grungy main of the head mullah before his installation in a few weeks.
1:21PM - Maureen's pull up was wet. We took her to the bedroom for a clean and change. Djon thoroughly cleaned her. The stage one pressure sore remains the same. He applied a small amount of A+D Ointment on the pressure sore. We then proceeded to put on a new pull up and pair of freshly laundered shorts as the urine seeped through the pull up.
1:35PM - Lunch - Djon prepared 1/2 a ham sandwich with mayonnaise on toasted whole wheat, 1/2 a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a small serving of chicken with pasta.
3:03PM - Maureen's pull up was wet. We decided to head to the bathroom to give her an opportunity to move her bowels. Her pull up was slightly soiled. A small piece of formed stool was stuck to her. Djon wiped it into the toilet. Maureen was pushing hard at times. She was on the commode for 23 minutes. There was no activity. Djon cleaned her thoroughly and put a new pull up on her.
September 1 daytime update