8:00AM - Maureen was on her left side on bed with Tom, awake but still looking sleepy.
8:35AM - Maureen looking ready to start her day. No signs of pain and distress. In an upright position, we administered 75mcg of Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
8:50AM - Me and Marie washed Maureen's upper body with warmed purple wipes - no redness/rashes on skin. Diaper was dry with very small light brown discharge. We cleaned and dried her. Applied Cavilon barrier film on sacrum and Cabilon cream on folds. Dressed and proceed to the kitchen.
9:05PM - Breakfast - 8oz prune juice with 1 cap Miralax, oatmeal/fruit smoothie, sips of coffee and yogurt. Maureen also finished a cup of lemon water. Coughed 2x with the use of suction machine. Maureen has been trying to get rid of the phlegm since this early morning.
**Reclined geri chair one notch for Maureen's comfort.
**MiraLAX dose today - 1 cap
9:40AM - Administered 10mg of Loratadine with smoothie.
9:50AM - Oral care.
**Maureen's lower partial dentures broke while Marie was giving her oral care. Marie informed that Maureen caught the toothbrush in between her teeth and bit it, too hard that she heard a snap while she was waiting for her to release it. The other half was spit out. We suddenly checked her mouth, showed that the other half of the partial's were left still stuck in her lower gums - we used a swab to open her mouth so we can get the rest before she will be able to swallow it.
10:00AM - Facial and hand care.
10:10AM - Neb treatment with saline soln.
10:40AM - Maureen closed her eyes for a nap - looking relaxed.
11:25AM - We moved Maureen to the bedroom for her 1st rest break. Diaper was heavy wet with extra large formed bowel movement. We cleaned/dried and changed her. Position to face her right side @10:35am.
12:30PM - 1st rest break ended. Diaper was medium wet, we cleaned/dried and changed Maureen. Dressed and transferred to the kitchen.
12:40PM - Lunch - boiled egg, fresh tomato and vegetable soup. Maureen had a cup of lemon water. She ate well. Coughed 2x.
BP: 108/60, P: 68 bpm
1:20PM - Oral care.
1:30PM - Out for a walk.
2:15PM - Came back home from a nice walk which Maureen enjoyed. Her eyes light up as soon as the cold breeze touched her cheeks. Awake the whole time.
**Maureen had 3/4 cup of lemon water and a piece of pixie chocolate.
2:30PM - We moved Maureen to the bedroom for her 2nd rest break. Diaper is heavy wet with medium formed bowel movement. We cleaned and changed her, position to face her left side.
3:40PM - 2nd rest break ended. Diaper was clean and dry, no discharges. We proceed to dress Maureen and transferred to the front room.
3:50PM - Fruit snack time (kiwi, pear and melon).