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Monday,October 31, Daytime update

  • 6:30 am- Maureen is awake.

  • 7:00 am- Maureen is still awake. She is chatty and in a good spirit. I gave her a few sip of water with the swab.

  • 7:30 am- Maureen is closing her eyes from time to time.

  • 7:45 am- Maureen is in and out of sleep.

  • 8:00 am- Maureen is fully awake now. Will give her a few more minutes. She is getting some water with the swab.

  • 8:10 am- We started our day. Maureen’s diaper was medium wet. Alexandra and I cleaned and changed Maureen. We used Cavilon Barrier film and lotion. Cleaned her upper body ,dressed her up and headed to the kitchen.

  • 8:30 am- Breakfast time. We started by administering the thyroid pill with a little apple sauce followed by stool softener. Maureen enjoyed a 8oz cup of prune juice, a banana and oatmeal.She coughed only once . After breakfast I administered the blood pressure and allergy medications .Maureen is chatty and smiling.

  • 9:15 am- Morning oral care.We reclined Maureen’s chair one notch down for her comfort.

  • 9:30 am- I cleaned Maureen’s eyes with baby shampoo and put a drop of Lubricant eye drops in each eye.

  • 9:45 am- Facial care.

  • 10:00 am- Maureen is snoozing in the chair. Her energy level is dropping.

  • 10:30 am- Maureen enjoyed a half of smoothie.She coughed four times with one sneeze.

  • 11:00 am- We transferred Maureen to the bedroom. Her diaper was medium wet. After cleaning and changing we turned her on the left side for a rest break #1 starting at 11:15 am.

  • 12:10 pm- First rest break is over. Maureen’s diaper was dry. We got her dressed and headed to the kitchen.

  • 12:15 pm- Lunch time. Maureen is enjoying a half a bowl of vegetables soup, homemade eggs salad and a slice of peeled tomato. She will have a bottle of coconut water.Maureen coughed three times during lunch.

  • 1:00 pm- Alexandra cleaned Maureen’s teeth. We reclined the chair after.

  • 2:00 pm- We went to the bedroom for a rest break # 2. As we were in the process of cleaning, Maureen urinated. That made it a heavy wet diaper. We cleaned again and put a new diaper on. Maureen is on her right side and will be laying for an hour starting at 2:15 pm.

  • 3:15 pm-Rest break #2 is over. Maureen’s diaper was dry. We got her dressed and headed to the living room.

  • 3:30 pm- Fruit snack . Maureen enjoyed it .She didn’t not cough .

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