8:00am Maureen just woke up, calmly. She’s receptive to sips of water via swab.
8:30am Maureen is awake, we raised the bed to administer 75mcg Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
8:40am Tom and I started the day by giving Maureen an upper body bath using warmed purple wipes, no redness observed. Wipe/clean a dry diaper - some vaginal discharge noticed - applied Cavilon barrier film to sacrum, barrier cream to inner thighs area. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
9:00am Breakfast: 1/4 pear, a cup of lemon water, coffee , and oatmeal/fruit smoothie with a spoonful of yogurt. Coughed twice, suction pump used once.
9:30 Administered 500mg CIPROFLOXACIN and 10mg Loratadine with apple sauce.
Daily Miralax dosage: None
Reclined Geri chair one notch for comfort.
9:50am Oral care.
10:00am Saline and albuterol Neb treatment.
10:25am Eyes wash/drops and facial routine performed.
Maureen’s been alert the whole time while watching Disney program. She had 2/3 cup of lemon water in the meantime.
11:25am Blood pressure: 105/78, P 59.
11:30am Transferred to the bedroom for Maureen’s first resting break. Clean/change a heavy wet diaper and positioned on her right side. No vaginal discharge observed.
12:30pm First break ends. Diaper it’s dry, dressed and headed to the kitchen.
12:45pm Lunch: Broccoli soup, chicken salad, avocado, full cup of lemonade and rice pudding for dessert. coughed three times.
Reclined Geri chair one notch during meal, Maureen was leaning forward.
1:40pm Oral care.
2:20pm Maureen had a cup of cranberry juice.
2:30pm Transferred to the bedroom for Maureen’s second resting break. Clean/change a medium wet diaper; no vaginal discharge observed. Positioned on her left side.
3:30pm Second break ends. Clean/change a heavy wet diaper; no vaginal discharge observed. Dressed and headed to the living room.
3:45pm Maureen is enjoying her fruit snack (melon/pear/kiwi), and half cup of water.
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