8:00am Maureen is asleep lying on her left side. Tom tells me, around 6:00am, she had a mild episode with clicking tongue that lasted about 10 minutes.
8:30am Maureen’s still sleeping.
9:00am She sleeps soundly.
9:35am Maureen is awake, we raised the bed and administered 75mcg Levothyroxine w/apple sauce. She woke up calmly 20 minutes ago, accepted sips of water via swab.
9:45am Our day starts giving Maureen an upper body bath using warmed purple wipes and aloe vesta, cleaned and changed a dry diaper, applied Cavilon barrier and cream. No redness observed. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
10:05am Administered 50mg Senna plus w/apple sauce and a cup of lemon water.
10:15am Breakfast: 8oz prune juice, oatmeal/fruit smoothie w/2 prunes and couple spoons of Greek yogurt. Coughed twice.
10:30am Administered 10mg loratadine with smoothie.
No Miralax, Senna plus instead.
10:40am Morning oral care.
10:50am Eyes wash/drops and facial routine performed.
Sleepy morning. Maureen closed her eyes soon after we’re done with the morning routine, waking up only when moving to take her break.
11:45am Transferred to the bedroom for Maureen’s first resting break. Diaper was dry; positioned on her right side at 11:55.
12:45pm First break ends. Diaper was md wet, cleaned and changed. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
1:00pm Lunch: white beans soup, chicken salad, fresh tomato, full cup of coconut water and couple spoons of Greek yogurt for dessert. Coughed three times, sneezed once and nose was runny. Suction pump used.
Reclined Geri chair one notch during lunch, Maureen was leaning forward.
1:40pm Oral care.
Carolyn visits Maureen:)
2:00pm Maureen sits awake and with relaxed arms while listening to music.
2:30pm Transferred to the bedroom for Maureen’s second resting break. Diaper was dry; positioned on her left at 2:40.
3:30pm Second break ends. Cleaned and changed a md wet diaper with a Medium-formed BM. Dressed and headed to the front room.
3:45pm Maureen is enjoying her fruit snack (melon/pear/kiwi), and half cup of lemon water. Coughed once.
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