6:30AM - Maureen is asleep.
7:10AM - Maureen continues to sleep. Maya did not attempt to check the diaper was she does not wake to disturb Maureen.
8:05AM - Maureen remains asleep.
Maureen began her day @ 8:45AM. She was a bit sluggish/groggy at first. First order of business was for Maya to apply the Tolcylen to both big toenails. Diaper was light wet. As we were making our way through the cleaning process, Maureen had an extra large formed bowel movement. Maya and I completed a full clean & change using all three 3M Cavilon products where appropriate. We then proceeded to clean all areas of focus on Maureen's upper body. Maureen had a large red mark on her right elbow and a conglomeration of small red marks/lines in her right armpit. We chose not to apply Nystatin Ointment to either of these areas. See attached images of the right armpit and right elbow.
Breakfast service commenced @ 9:33AM. We got off to a delayed start because Maureen slept late. Posture in the geri chair was very good—with the assistance of both wedge pillows and Magic Mike. Maya got things rolling by giving Maureen a teaspoon of Manuka Honey followed immediately by the thyroid medication.
Maureen will consume 4 ounces of prune juice this morning.
Daily MiraLAX dosage: None
10:05AM - Maya administered the thyroid medication.
General observations @ 10:07AM> Maureen has a decent amount of energy this morning. Her eyes are wide open for the most part. Engagement and communication levels are good. She chewed and swallowed well.
10:10AM - Morning oral care routine
10:25AM - Morning facial routine including arms and hands
10:27AM - We tilted the geri chair back one level for Maureen's comfort and to relieve stress on her sacrum.
10:40AM - Hand, arm, shoulder and leg exercises.
11:00AM - Organic fruit smoothie
1:10PM - Lunch | Chicken noodle with vegetable soup as a starter. We did not give Maureen any additional food because she was having trouble chewing and swallowing. Maureen drank one 12-ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water. Tom and Maya did choose to give Maureen 1/2 a brownie and 1/4 of a glass of milk.
1:30PM - Maureen began a challenging period at 11:30AM that continues to this moment. She lost a lot of energy. Her eyes are partially closed. Chewing and swallowing is labored. There is a lot of coughing. Her mouth is wide open. There is a gurgling sound emanating from her throat. The low moan/groan has been happening regularly since 11:30AM.
1:52PM - Afternoon oral care
2:20PM - We headed to the bedroom to perform a clean & change in advance of Rest Break #1. The diaper was heavy wet. After completing the clean & change, Maya and Tom placed Maureen on her right side.
2:35PM - Rest Break #1 begins.
3:35PM - Rest Break #1 ends. Diaper is light wet. Tom, Maya and I manually transferred Maureen to the transport chair. We then headed to the front room where Tom manually transferred Maureen to the lift recliner.
3:50PM - Afternoon fruit snack
Daily Cough Count
Breakfast | Smoothie | Lunch | Fruit Snack | Other | Red Face |
4 | 2 | 10 | 2 | 0 | 0 |