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August 26 daytime update


Updated: Aug 29, 2022

  • 7:25AM - I just arrived at the house. Maureen remains asleep.

  • 8:42AM - Maureen continues to sleep soundly. She is not stirring at all.

  • 9:27AM - No change. Still sleeping.

  • 9:52AM - I observed Maureen's right arm spasming occasionally on the monitor and immediately walked to the bedroom to check on her. Her eyes were wide open. Fists were lightly clenched. Maureen was unresponsive. The jaw was also clenched for a few brief moments. I immediately called Tom to the room. He took Maureen's vitals. They are normal. All of the symptoms we observed were typical of a small seizure—at the mild end. To be clear, this event was something less than a small seizure.

  • 10:05AM - We sat Maureen up in bed. Tom gave her a few sips of water via the mouth swab. Maureen had no difficulty swallowing the water. Her eyes remained wide open for the most part but she was blinking somewhat regularly. Responsiveness remained almost nil.

  • 10:17AM - Maureen fell back asleep in the sitting position in bed.

  • 11:16AM - Maureen remains sound asleep in the sitting position in bed.

  • 11:44AM - Maureen woke up and had another event milder than a small seizure. Symptoms were clenched fists, wide open eyes, lack of responsiveness and occasional arm spasms. Her jaw appears a little clenched as well. We reclined the bed down to a 15 degree angle. Maureen is now laying on her right side. Tom had been taking Maureens vitals regularly using the pulse oximeter. Maureen's heart rate shot up above 100 very briefly. Overall, the vitals have remained in the acceptable range.

  • 12:24PM - Maureen continues to lay on her left side in bed. She is much calmer now. All of the previously listed symptoms have subsided. We did note she remains for the most part unresponsive to verbal cues.

  • 12:56PM - Maureen's condition remains pretty much the same. She is awake and laying on her left side. There are no "seizure type" signs. She has very little energy. Communication/engagement is minimal.

  • We had a discussion with one of team leaders at JourneyCare. Tom and I summarized what has transpired in the last three days. The team leader then discussed the situation with the doctor on call. The JourneyCare doctor prescribed a new medication: 500mg of keppra twice per day. This medication will be delivered to the house later this evening or tomorrow morning.

  • 2:10PM - Tom and I began the process of getting Maureen cleaned up and changed into freshly laundered clothes. The diaper was medium wet. Upon completion we headed to the kitchen for a late lunch. Maureen did not have breakfast or a smoothie today.

  • 2:50PM - Tom administered all of the morning medications with some applesauce.

  • 3:15PM - Lunch | Maureen enjoyed a healthy serving of chicken, rice, tomato, onion, cheese and guacamole. She will consume one 12-ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut water. Tom mixed the 1/2 cap of MiraLAX in with coconut water.

  • General observations @ 3:31PM> As I sit across from Maureen while she is enjoying her lunch, I am astonished. Today was truly a tale of two cities. After the mild "seizure" events of this morning, Maureen got out of bed and into the kitchen in fine form. Her eyes are wide open. The left eye looks very good. It is almost completely back to normal. She is energized, engaged and communicative. Maureen really enjoyed her lunch. Coughing was minimal—only three times. Overall, chewing and swallowing went quite well.

Daily Cough Count




​Fruit Snack


Red Face







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