Maureen began to wake up at 7:15AM.
She started significantly twitching her arms at 7:40. It was not a slight seizure. She was responsive to Maya's questions. There are no clenched/locked jaw.
Day began @ approximately 8:30AM. Maureen is in good spirits. Her diaper was wet. Maya estimates Maureen urinated at between 7:30 to 8:15AM.
From the get go, Maureen is tilting to the left. Maya immediately inserted one of the green wedge pillows into the day chair.
Nasal congestion warrants a does of Flonase in each nostril.
Morning meds administered at 9:07AM.
Maureen will consume 1/2 cup of prune juice this morning.
9:32AM - We noticed Maureen's overall disposition and energy begin to wane. Her forehead has begun to furrow. Occasional drooling has begun. She is starting to frown.
10:35AM - We took Maureen to the bathroom. Pull up was dry. Waited approximately 20 minutes. No go.
12:10PM - We once again headed to the bathroom. No luck once again. Maureen's pull up was dry. She did not do anything in the toilet. We waited 20-25 minutes.
1:20PM - Maureen has been slumping and to the left and forward for most of the day while sitting in the day chair. We had to resort to using two pillows to prop her up on a number of occasions.
1:25 - Off to the bathroom. Maureen’s pull up was wet. She did not go into the toilet. Maya cleaned and changed her.
3:45PM - We proceeded to the bathroom for one last try. Maureen’s pull up was wet. She had a firm medium size bowel movement and also urinated a good amount in the toilet. It was partly cloudy.
April 23 daytime update