4:00pm Maureen’s resting in the living room with Tom by her side - Nurse Ann is here for her weekly visit. She consulted Dr Sabath over the phone about Maureen’s face red dots and how they appeared yesterday. Dr Sabath said that it could be be done kind of allergy, he recommended taking .25ml Benadryl while needed.
Maureen’s vitals: Temperature: 97.4. HR: 70, BP: 118/68.
4:30pm Maureen’s alert and awake in her recliner.
5:00pm Dinner: quiche; she enjoyed very much. Coughed only once.
6:00pm Administered 12.5ml Vimpat, 5mg Olanzapine with parfait
6:20pm Oral care.
6:30pm We headed Maureen to the bedroom. Cleaned and changed a heavy wet diaper, applied Cavilon cream. Performed upper body wash with warmed purple wipes, applied Vicks to Maureen’s chest and cetaphil to her lower extremities. Positioned on her Lt side, she goes to sleep for the night.
Vitals: Temp: 97.2, HR: 73, O2: 96.
BANOPHEN, generic for Benedryl, was delivered to the house as we were getting ready to go to the bedroom. We did not give her this medication tonight, it can be given tomorrow, every six hours, as needed. Anne had this prescribed in place of the Loratadine, may help bring down the swelling Anne noticed in Maureen’s right eye.