6:30 am- Maureen is asleep. She is laying on her left side.
7:00 am- Maureen is still sleeping.
7:30 am- Maureen had another seizure episode this morning. She woke up slowly, but her eyes opened wide, her arms started twitching and I heard the clicking sound of her tongue.Lower extremities were relaxed. The heart rate picked at 125. O2 was always in the 97-98 range. It lasted about 6 minutes. After that she started to calm down and pulse going back to normal.
7:45 am - Maureen is relaxing now.
8:00 am - Maureen is calm and relaxed. She is receptive to some water via swab.
8:30 am - Maureen is in and out of sleep. Her diaper is wet now.
8:50 am- Maureen is awake, she is getting some water with the swab.
9:00 am- Maureen is alert enough to start the day. The diaper was medium wet. Dalia and I cleaned and changed, using 3 M products. We gently performed a full body bed bath, using the warm wipes from the purple pocket and Aloe Vesta. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
9:38 am - Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
9:30 am- Breakfast- oatmeal, banana, 8 oz of prune juice, cup of water. Maureen coughed 3 times.
10:00 am- Administered Loratadin and Lisinopril.
10:05 am- Oral care.
10:10 am- We reclined Maureen's chair down one notch for her comfort.
10:15 am- Eye wash and eye drops.
10:20 am- Morning facial routine.
10 :30 am- Maureen is relaxing in the chair. Her energy is great, she is chatty, minimal congestion. Her position in the chair is perfect, centered with the help of the wedge pillows. She is having some water. There were a couple of coughs with that grinding sound , no red face. We saw a few smiles.
11:00 am - Maureen is having a half of smoothie. She is still full of energy and talkative.
11:30 am- We headed to the bedroom for Maureen's first rest break. The diaper was medium wet. We cleaned and changed. Maureen will lie on her right side for an hour starting at 11:45 am.
12:45 pm- Rest break # 1 ends. The diaper was medium wet. We cleaned and changed. Dresed Maureen.
12:55 pm- We washed and styled Maureen's hair.
1:10 pm- Lunch- Butternut squash soup, shrimp salad, Brussels sprouts, bottle of coconut water. Maureen coughed twice. She is still very alert and talkative.
1:40 pm- Oral care. Her gum is much better.
1:50 pm- We reclined Maureen's chair down one notch.
2:30 pm- We headed to the bedroom. Maureen urinated while we started cleaning. There was a medium soft bowel movement. Dalia and I cleaned thoroughly. Maureen will lie on her left side for an hour starting at 2:45 pm.
3:45 pm- Rest period # 2 is over. Maureen's diaper is dry. We dressed and headed to the living room.
4:00 pm- Fruit snack
Thursday, December 8, Daytime update
Updated: Dec 9, 2022