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Sunday, March 19, 2023: Daytime Summary


Updated: Mar 19, 2023

8:00 AM: Maureen is looking very comfortable in bed. Tom said she's been sleeping in and out since 6AM.

**Tom mentioned that around 6AM, Maureen started twitching for about 5 mins. LORAZAPAM was not administered. She got better after**

Pulse: 62

O2: 97%

8:30 AM: Maureen has been dozing on and off. Tom was by her side.

9:00 AM: Maureen is fully awake. Tom and I begin morning care. Washed her upper body with purple wipes and Aloe Vesta. We noticed 2 red and round spots on her left arm, applied Hydrocortisone cream. A little redness under her right breastfold, applied Nyastatin cream. Diaper was medium wet. Cleaned, dried and applied Cavilon barrier film and cream.

9:30 AM. Administered Levothyroxine with apple sauce before giving her anything for breakfast.

Breakfast- omelete, half banana, 8oz prune juice with 1 cap Miralax and 1 cup of lemon water.

Daily dose of Miralax (1 cap)

10:05 AM: Administered the rest of her medication after she finished her food- Lisinopril and Loratidine.

10:15 AM: Oral care was done. Reclined her chair after.

General observation: She was fully awake during breakfast. Slightly sleepy during oral care. She coughed 4x during breakfast. Her nose is a little runny too.

10:45 AM: Facial and hand care done. She is napping on her chair.

11:10 AM. Morning smoothie was given which Maureen enjoyed.

**coughed 3x. And sneezed once. Nose is a little bit runny**

11:30 AM. We transferred her to bed for the 1st rest break. She had medium wet diaper and large soft bowel movement. Cleaned, dried, and applied Cavilon cream after. We positioned her to face right side. (Restbreak started at 11:40 AM). She napped during rest break.

12:40 PM: Rest break done. Maureen's diaper is dry.

12:50 PM: Lunch was cauliflower soup, chicken and potato salad with 1 cup of coconut water. She ate 100% of her food.

1:30 PM: Oral care done.

1:50 PM: Tom and I transferred Maureen back to bed for her 2nd rest break. Her diaper was heavy wet. Cleaned, dried and changed. We positioned her facing left this time.

2:50 PM: Begin changing Maureen. She had medium wet diaper. Cleaned and changed. Tom and I got her up and brought her to the living room to have her seat on her recliner.

3:10 PM. Deacon Andy begin Sunday service. Sister Roberta was also there to give Maureen her massage.

3:40 PM: Maureen had her fruit snack which she enjoyed. She coughed 2x.

5:00 PM. Sister Roberta left. Maureen started to eat dinner- pierogi, fish, potato and coleslaw. She finished her food. She also finished another cup of lemon water. She coughed 4x.

5:35 PM: Administered 12.5 ml of Vimpat and 5mg of Olanzapine with jello.

5:50 PM: Oral and denture care done.

6:30 PM: Transferred Maureen to bed. Washed her upper body with warm purple wipes and Aloe Vesta. Applied Cetaphil lotion on arms and Vicks on her neck and chest. There was a little redness under her right breastfold, applied Nyastatin cream on it. Her diaper was heavy wet. Cleaned, changed and applied Cavilon cream.

Temp: 97.3°

Pulse: 78

O2: 96%

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