4:00pm Maureen is sitting in the recliner. Carolyn is here for a visit.
5:00pm Tom and I washed Maureen’s hair. Carolyn dried and styled her hair afterwards.
5:40pm Dinner - Carolyn made a wonderful dinner: tilapia, four cheese pasta, and asparagus. Maureen was falling asleep again throughout dinner.
6:16pm Administered 5mg Olanzapine with pudding and 7.5mL Vimpat.
6:20pm Oral care.
6:30pm Facial routine. Applied Vicks to chest.
6:45pm Bedtime. Transferred Maureen to bed using the Hoyer lift. Diaper is medium wet - we cleaned, applied Cavilon barrier cream, and put on a new diaper. Maureen is lying on her left side with two green wedge pillows placed behind her.
Sunday February 20, 2022 Swingshift Update
Updated: Feb 20, 2022