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November 5 daytime update

  • 6:35AM - Maureen is sleeping.

  • 7:00AM - She is beginning to wake—stirring lightly.

  • 7:25AM - Maya checked the diaper. It is now wet.

  • Maureen's day officially began @ 8:10AM. Her diaper was light wet. Maya completed a standard clean and change that included the use of the entire suite of 3M Cavilon products: No-Rinse Cleansing Spray, Barrier Cream and No-Sting Barrier Film. We then completed the new wash process to help reduce the possibility of skin irritation/fungus development.

  • A new potential pressure ulcer on inside left knee> While getting Maureen ready for the day, we noted a new potential pressure ulcer on the inside of Maureen's left knee. It is in the approximate area where her knees come into contact on a regular basis. The mark is a bit rough/abrasive. There is no corresponding mark on the right knee. Out of an abundance of caution, Maya and I decided to apply a layer of 3M Cavilon No-Sting Barrier Film to the area. See the following image taken this morning. We should closely monitor this during the next three to five days to ensure this does not develop into a pressure ulcer. This could be noting more than a scrape/abrasion.

  • 8:50AM - Breakfast service commences. Maya first administered the thyroid medication. Posture in the geri chair is good—green wedge pillows placed on each side as extended armrests. Coughing was minimal during breakfast—three times.

  • Daily MiraLAX dosage: None

  • Maureen will consume approximately 4 ounces of prune juice today.

  • 9:25AM - Maya administered the blood pressure medication.

  • 9:35AM - Morning oral care routine begins. Maya examined the upper right gum area. She is very pleased with the progress and described it as "almost healed."

  • 9:50AM - Maya cleaned Maureen's eyelashes with Johnson's Baby Shampoo and warm water. She then put drops in both of Maureen's eyes.

  • 10:30AM - Organic fruit smoothie time. Just the perfect thing to start the weekend. Maureen coughed once and sneezed once while consuming Maya's magic elixir.

  • 11:12AM - Time for the morning rest period. The diaper was light wet. Maya performed a standard clean and change. We positioned Maureen on her left side.

  • 11:32AM - Maureen will now rest on her side for the next hour to relieve pressure off of her lower back.

  • 12:32PM - Rest period concludes. Maureen's diaper was light wet. She also had a medium size formed bowel movement. Maya performed a thorough clean and change. We then headed to the kitchen for a bit of a late lunch.

  • 1:00PM - Lunch | 1/2 tuna salad sandwich on toasted whole wheat, 1/2 bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup and a serving of garlic green beans. Maureen will also drink one 12 ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water. Coughing was definitely greater than normal during lunch. Maureen coughed six times. She also sneezed twice.

  • 1:38PM - Afternoon oral care begins. While cleaning with the brush, Maya noted the lower right gums were bleeding a bit.

  • 2:00PM - Second rest break to relieve pressure on Maureen's sacrum. Her diaper was light wet. Maya performed a standard clean and change. We wrapped things up by placing Maureen on her right side.

  • 2:11PM - Maureen is now positioned on her right side where she will remain for one hour.

  • 3:05PM - Second rest period concludes. Maureen's diaper was light wet. Maya did a standard clean and change. We proceeded to the front room to watch TPIR.

  • 3:25PM - Afternoon fruit snack.

  • Coughing summary: Breakfast: 3, Fruit smoothie: 1, Lunch: 6 and Fruit snack: 3.

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