4:00pm Maya and Brian are finishing up helping Maureen to the bathroom. Lying in recliner comfortably afterwards.
Maya checked Maureen’s pull-up and she is dry. Decided to skip bathroom trip before dinner time.
6:10pm Dinner time. Maureen ate 100% of her baked ziti with chicken and cornbread and had one cup of water. Maureen sat upright the entire meal and did not cough once.
7:11pm Administered 7.5mg OLANZAPINE with pudding and 7.5mL VIMPAT. Oral care after.
7:46pm Bed time. Transferred Maureen from the day chair to bed using the Hoyer lift. Pull-up is medium wet, cleaned thoroughly, noticed some redness and applied Desitin, and put on a fresh diaper. Applied Vicks to chest and both right and left big toe. Maureen is lying on her right side.
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