Happy St. Patrick's Day
6:30AM - Maureen is awake. Maya will give her sips of water periodically as long as Maureen remains fully awake.
6:45AM - Maya checked the diaper. It is now wet.
Maureen began her day @ 8:10AM. As the Irish would say, she is grand—in fine form. First order of business was for Maya to apply the Tolcylen to both big toenails. Diaper was medium wet. We cleaned and changed Maureen using all three 3M products where appropriate. During this process, we noted a very slight line of redness above the waistline at the navel. Maya applied a very small amount of Nystatin Ointment to this area. Next up was cleaning all the areas of focus on Maureen's upper body with Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam and warm wipes from the purple packet. Maya did note one small red spot on Maureen's right elbow. It was smaller than the one from the other day. After assessing it, we decided not to apply any Nystatin Ointment to it.
Maureen will consume 6 ounces of prune juice this morning. The additional two ounces is due to the fact that Maureen has not had a BM in two days.
Daily MiraLAX dosage: None
General observation @ 9:04AM> Maureen is very sleepy this morning since we got her set up at the kitchen table in the geri chair. Energy and engagement are abnormally low. She has nodded off 3-4 times. Yawns somewhat frequently.
Breakfast service began @ 9:12AM. Maya started by giving Maureen a teaspoon of Manuka Honey. She then immediately administered the thyroid medication. Maureen is eating very deliberately. Coughing is a fairly frequent occurrence.
9:50AM - Maya administered the blood pressure medication
10:10AM - Morning oral care routine
10:23AM - Morning facial treatment including hands and arms.
10:50AM - Organic fruit smoothie
General observations @ 11:07AM> Maureen continues to be extremely lethargic. She continues to nod off in the geri chair for 2-5 minute segments. Communication is almost nonexistent. She is more disengaged than normal.
11:17AM - We headed to the bedroom to prepare for Rest Break #1. Diaper was light wet. After finishing up a clean & change, Maya and I placed Maureen on her right side.
11:30AM - Rest Break #1 begins.
12:35PM - Rest Break #1 ends. The diaper is very light wet. Maya and I cleaned and changed Maureen. We then proceeded to the kitchen for lunch.
12:56PM - Lunch | 1/2 a tuna salad sandwich on toasted whole wheat bread, 1/2 a bowl of lentil soup and a medley of carrots and potatoes. Maureen will consume one 12-ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water. For dessert, Maureen will enjoy 1/2 of a chocolate chip cookie and a 1/4 glass of milk.
General observations @ 1:34PM> Energy and engagement were a little better at lunch but well below what we are used to seeing. Communication is very infrequent and muted for the most part. Maureen continues to be very lethargic. Eyes are often closed. She will nod off for a minute or two from time to time.
1:45PM - Out of an abundance of caution, we checked Maureen's key vital signs. They are all excellent: Heart: 82, Oxygen: 99, and Temperature: 97.9.
1:53PM - Afternoon oral care
2:02PM - We headed to the bedroom in advance of Rest Break #2. Diaper was medium wet. After completing a clean and change, Maya and I once again placed Maureen on her right side.
2:17PM - Rest Break #2 begins.
3:08PM - Rest Beak #2 ends. Diaper is light wet. Maya and I transferred Maureen to the front room for the remainder of the afternoon.
3:27PM - Afternoon fruit snack
Daily Cough Count
Breakfast | Smoothie | Lunch | Fruit Snack | Other | Red Face |
6 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 |