4:00 pm: Maureen was resting in the reclainer
4:30 Blod test
5:00 pm: Dinner: Chicken chillii with rice. Maureen enjoyed very much.
Maureen coughed two times during the dinner.
6:10 pm :
* 12,5 ml VIMPAT
* 5 mg OLANZAPINE with Jello
6:25 pm: Evening oral care.
6:40 pm: We headed Maureen to the bedroom. Medium wet diaper. Cleaned and changed her and applied Cavilon Lotion.
Cleaned Maureen in bed.
We applied Nystatin on the lower abdomen.
Applied Cetaphil Lotion to both feet. Position: left side with two wedge pillows.
Temperature 97.1
Oxygen: 97
Heart Rate: 74
7:15 pm : asleep