6:30AM - Maureen is awake. Maya will give Maureen sips of water via a mouth swab periodically while she remains in bed and fully awake.
6:40AM - Maya checked the diaper. It is wet.
Maureen began her day @ 8:02AM. She is in good form—a bit sleepy. Maya kicked off the morning routine with the application of Tolcylen to both big toes. Diaper was medium wet. We performed a clean & change using all three 3M Cavilon products where appropriate. Maya and I then cleaned all areas of focus on Maureen's upper body with Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam and warm wipes from the purple packet. There was a slight bit of redness at the waistline just under the navel. Maya applied a thin layer of Nystatin Ointment to this area.
Breakfast service commenced at 8:34AM. Posture in the geri chair is average. Maureen is tilting more to the left and forward than normal. The vast majority of the tilt is due to the head angling to the left—which is the result of her laying on her life side in bed. Maya began with a teaspoon of Manuka Honey followed immediately by the administration of the thyroid medication with just a tiny bit of applesauce.
Maureen will consume six ounces of prune juice this morning. The additional two ounces is dues to the fact that Maureen has not had a BM in 1.75 days.
Daily MiraLAX dosage: 1/2 cap
General observations @ 9:04AM> Maureen has decent energy this morning. Her eyes are almost completely open. Leftward tilt in geri chair is worse than normal. As the morning progresses, her energy is beginning to dissipate. Communication and engagement are decent. Chewing and swallowing are very deliberate. Coughing was almost nonexistent throughout the breakfast service.
9:17AM - Maureen's leftward tilt of her head continued to get worse. We decided to tilt the geri chair back one notch in an attempt to make Maureen more comfortable.
9:20AM - Maya administered the blood pressure medication and Claritin.
9:23AM - Morning oral care routine
9:36AM - Eyelash cleaning and eye drops
9:50AM - Morning facial treatment—including hands and arms.
General observations @ 10:06AM> Energy continues to gradually dissipate. Maureen 's head continues to tilt significantly to the left. She is not coughing much. Communication and general engagement is decent. Maureen has been uttering the low moan/groan for the last 30-40 minutes.
10:22AM - We noted Maureen's fingernails were a bit long/sharp. Maya filed and buffed them.
10:43AM - Organic fruit smoothie. Maureen consumed this without any problems. She only coughed once.
11:02AM - We headed to the bedroom for Rest Break #1. Diaper was medium wet. While cleaning Maureen, she had a large soft bowel movement. Maya and I repeated the cleaning process and put on a fresh diaper. We then placed Maureen on her right side.
11:21AM - Rest Break #1 begins
12:23PM - Rest Break #1 ends. Diaper was light wet. Maya and I performed a clean & change. We then proceeded to the kitchen for lunch.
12:36PM - Lunch | Maya prepared 1/2 a turkey and melted Swiss cheese sandwich on toasted whole wheat, 1/2 a bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup and a serving of potato salad.
General observations @ 12:52PM> Maureen has been sleeping and almost completely unresponsive since we set her up at the kitchen table. Maya has not even started feeding her yet. What makes this more perplexing is that Maureen had a lot of energy while she was laying in bed.
1:45PM - Afternoon oral care
General observations @ 1:52PM> Maureen has picked up some energy in has last 20 minutes or so. Her eyes are now more wide open. She is a bit more engaged and communicative. Still uttering the low moan/groan.
2:02PM - We headed to the bedroom for Rest Break #2. Diaper was medium wet. Maya and I cleaned and changed Maureen and then positioned her on her right side.
2:18PM - Rest Break #2 begins.
3:17PM - Rest Break #2 concludes. Diaper was light wet. Maya and I perfumed a clean & change. We then transported Maureen to the living room where she will enjoy some fruit.
3:35PM - Afternoon fruit snack.
Daily Cough Count
Breakfast | Smoothie | Lunch | Fruit Snack | Other | Red Face |
1 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 8 | 7 |