4:00 pm:
Maureen was resting in recliner and watching TV. She ate one chocolate candy :)
I massaged her left arm and hand.
6:00 pm:
Transferred Maureen to the bedroom. The diaper was very wet. Cleaned and changed, applied Cavilon Lotion.
6:15 pm:
Dinner: Chicken & Rice Casserole prepared by Carolyn. Maureen enjoyed very much:)
Maureen was coughing two times during the dinner.
6:55 pm:
7.5ml of VIMPAT and 5mg OLANZAPINE with lime jello.
7:15 pm:
Oral care, cleanup, Cetaphil lotion applied, Vick’s on throat and chest, changed t-shirt.
7:30 pm:
transfered Maureen to the bedroom. The diaper was medium wet. Medium formed bowel movement. Cleaned and changed, applied Cavilon Lotion.
Applied Cetaphil Lotion to both feet. Applied Tolcylen to the left and right big toes.
Position left side with two wedge pillows and white small pillow between legs.
Temp: 97.2
Oxygen: 97
Heart rate : 68
7:55 pm: asleep.