6:35AM - Maureen is awake and stirring very lightly. She talks quietly once in a while. According to Luda, Maureen has been wake awake since the 5:30AM change.
Day began @ 8:05AM. Maureen is in good form. Her diaper was wet. Based on Maya's checks, we estimate that Maureen urinated b/w 7:30-8:00AM. Maya cleaned Maureen throughly and put a fresh pull up on her. We used the Hoyer Lift to transfer Maureen to the day chair.
Breakfast began at 8:25AM. Maureen's posture in the day chair is upright—w/o assistance. Her overall energy, responsiveness and engagement is decent to good.
Maureen will drink 1/2 cup of prune juice this morning.
Based on nasal congestion, we will administer a dose of Flonase in each nostril.
Per Tom and Carolyn, we will not administer the 5mg of Escitalopram (Lexapro) today. This change was implemented on April 20, 2021.
8:43AM - Morning medications administered.
9:10AM - Maureen's overall disposition, energy and engagement have dissipated significantly. She began to tilt to the left. Maya inserted a green wedge pillow into the day chair to straighten her out. Maureen's forehead is now furrowed. She is frowning and occasionally drooling.
10:05AM - Maureen is slumping heavily to the left and forward in the day chair—even with the use of a green wedge pillow.
10:50AM - We took Maureen to the bathroom. It had been about three hours and fifteen minutes since she last went. Her pull up was dry. She urinated a good amount in the toilet. It was slightly cloudy.
11:30AM - Kathy came to the house to shampoo and style Maureen's hair with Maya.
2:10PM - Maya and I took Maureen to the bathroom. Regrettably, her pull up was wet. Maya cleaned Maureen thoroughly and put a fresh pull up on her. We waited till 2:35PM to see if Maureen would go. She did not.
April 22 daytime update