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October 16, 2024, Wednesday, Swing Shift


Updated: Oct 16, 2024

4:15 pm: We came back from hospital.

4:25 pm: Maureen was relaxing in the reclainer in the living room.

Dry diaper.

4:40 pm : Carolin came with dinner 😊

4:45 pm: Dinner: Lemon chicken, potatos and spinach.

Watermelon for desert.

One cup of sprinkle water.

5:45 pm: Administered 12,5 ml of Vimpat and 5 mg of Olanzapine with apple souce.

6:20pm: Oral Care.

6:45 pm: Transferred Maureen to the bedroom.

Very wet diaper. A littlie BLOOD.

Cleaned and changed.

Applied Cavilon cream.

We applied Cetaphil lotion to face, hands, legs and feet.

Positioned Maureen on her left side.




P- 72

7:05 pm: Maureen is asleep.

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