3:45 pm : the nurse Julie came, Maureen was resting in living room,
5:30 pm: transferred Maureen to the kitchen for dinner (using the Hoyer Lift): beef, potatos and carrots
6:05 pm: 7.5ml of VIMPAT
6:10 pm: 5mg OLANZAPINE with orange sorbet
6:20 pm: Oral care.
Cleaned face, hands, under arms, Inner elbows/forearms, under breast (used Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam),
Applied Nystatin Ointment under right inner forearm/elbow and under right and left breast. Changed t-shirt.
Applied Cetaphil to face, arms and hands and Vick’s on throat and chest.
7:00 pm :transferred Maureen to the bed (using the Hoyer Lift). Very wet diaper.
Cleaned & changed, Cavilon lotion applied,
Position left side with two wedge pillows and white small pillow between legs.
Applied Cetaphil to both feet.
We noticed a rash on the lower abdomen and applied CAVILON. as well.
7:15pm: asleep