6:30AM - Maureen is awake.
Maureen begins her day @ 8:05AM. She is alert and engaged. Maya got things started by applying Tolcylen on both big toes. Diaper is medium wet. We perfumed a clean & change using all three 3M Cavilon products where appropriate. Next, Maya and I examined the red are at the waistline just below the navel. It is our collective opinion that this area is completely healed. No Nystatin Ointment is necessary. Lastly, Maya cleaned all areas of focus on Maureen's upper body with Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam and warm wipes from the purple packet. We observed no arms of redness or irritation.
Breakfast service commenced @ 8:43AM. Posture in the geri chair is very good—with the assistance of both green wedge pillows. Magic Mike has the morning off. Maya began by giving Maureen a teaspoon of Manuka Honey followed immediately by the administration of the thyroid medication with a smattering of applesauce. Maureen as usual enjoyed her standard fare of a banana and a bowl of oatmeal with some blueberries mixed in for a little variety.
Maureen will drink approximately 4 ounces of prune juice this morning.
General observations @ 8:50AM> Maureen has decent energy this morning. She is engaged and communicative for the most part. Eyes are slightly closed. Both Maya and I feel the eyes are slightly puffy this morning. Chewing and swallowing are good—somewhat deliberate. Maureen is somewhat more congested than normal.
Daily MiraLAX dosage: None
That's New> Maureen is tilting her head back more frequently during the breakfast service—so much so that we often place the red couch pillow behind her head.
9:21AM - Maureen is stating to lose energy. Eyes are now more closed. Engagement and communication are starting to drop off somewhat.
9:23AM - Maya administered the blood pressure medication.
9:34AM - Morning oral care routine
9:49AM - Eyelash cleaning and eye drops.
We reclined the geri chair one notch for Maureen's comfort and to relieve stress/pressure on Maureen's lower back.
9:59AM - Morning facial treatment including arms and hands
10:20AM - Hand, arm, shoulder and leg exercises.
10:40AM - Organic fruit smoothie
10:55AM - We headed to the bedroom for Rest Break #1. Diaper was medium wet. We cleaned & changed Maureen and then placed her on her right side.
11:12AM - Rest Break #1 begins.
12:06PM Rest Break #1 concludes. Diaper was light wet. Upon completion of a clean & change, Maya and I transported Maureen to the kitchen for lunch.
12:16PM - Lunch | Maya bought the whole crew lunch today at The Works. Maureen enjoyed a small serving of gyros, pita bread and French fries. She consumed one 12-ounce bottle of Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water. For dessert, Maureen will enjoy a small piece of tiramisu.
1:30PM - Afternoon oral care routine.
2:07PM - We headed to the bedroom for Rest Break #2. Diaper was light wet. After completing a clean & change, Maya and I positioned Maureen on her right side. Maureen spends a greater amount of time on her left side. As such, we are opting quite often to set Maureen on her right side for both rest breaks.
2:23PM - Rest Break #2 begins
3:20PM - Rest Break #2 concludes. Diaper is medium wet. Maureen had a medium formed bowel movement. Maya and I cleaned & changed Maureen and then transported her to the front room.
3:34PM - Afternoon fruit snack.
Daytime recap> Overall rating: just below average. Maureen lacked energy for much of the day. Interaction and engagement were low. She was lethargic during breakfast and lunch. Chewing and swallowing were deliberate for the most part. Coughing was far worse than normal today. We ended up with one of the largest cough counts in a long time. On a positive note, Maureen has a medium formed BM.
Daily Cough Count
Breakfast | Smoothie | Lunch | Fruit Snack | Other | Red Face |
4 | 2 | 7 | 1 | 7 | 10 |