5:30am medium wet, changed, repositioned.
6:30 Twitching some, so repositioned, dry, no change.
7:00 Maureen is moving/talking. Says she is hot. Changed blanket to sheet. Took temp (normal).
7:30 Maureen is awake. Medium wet, wash, changed, dressed. Sitting nice on bedside.
8:00 breakfast: brussel sprout & cheese omelet, bacon & english muffin. 1/2 prune juice and water.
Reg. meds with 1 spray of FLONAISE each nostril.
9:00 srs PT exercises. Maureen is sitting upright today, talkative and in good spirits.
10:30 Bathroom, dry no change. No toilet activity. Maureen very sleepy.
10:45 front chair to rest. Asleep briefly. Still talkative.
11:15 watch Illinois/Loyola game.
1:15 bathroom, medium wet, changed. No toilet activity
1:30 lunch: turkey & swiss on rye & potato salad.
2:30 marching and window watch.
2:45 standing exercise. Maureen stands almost unassisted 3-4 times.
3:30 Maureen said she needed the bathroom. Pull-up was dry. Tinkled in toilet. Cloudy.
3:45 fruit snack.