Daily MiraLAX Dosage
August 18: 1 tablespoon of Activia
August 19: 1 teaspoon of Metamucil | 2 teaspoons of Activia
August 20: 1 teaspoon of Metamucil | 2 teaspoons of Activia | Suppository administered @ 3:00PM
August 21: 2 teaspoons of Activia
August 22: 1 container of Activia
August 23: 1 container of Activia
August 24: 1 container of Activia
Bowel Movements
8/20/24 @ 4:00PM - Small formed (hard) | Suppository administered @ 3:00PM
8/20/24 @ 6:20PM - Medium formed (hard)
Last bowel movement from prior week: 8/15/24 @ 10:00PM - Extra large soft
Not sure how to describe a bowel movement? Click here for a detailed overview of the terminology to use when describing the size and consistency of the stool.