4:00 pm: Maureen is resting in the reclainer and watching TV.
4:50 pm: dry diaper.
5:00 pm: dinner: Lamb Shank with Noodles, carrots, gravy.
1 cup of water with lemon.
5:50 pm: Administered 12,5 ml of Vimpat and 5 mg of Olanzapine with applesouce.
6:10 pm: Oral Care.
6:25 pm: Transferred Maureen to the bedroom.
Very wet diaper.
Cleaned and changed.
Applied Cavilon cream.
We applied Cetaphil lotion to hands and feet.
Positioned Maureen on her left side.
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6:50 pm: Maureen is asleep.
Maureen consumed 42 ounces of fluid.