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2/5 Telemed with Dr. Purinson

We discussed the history of UTI and next steps. Here is a summary of her comments

1) Assure that you take Maureen to pee at least every three hours. Continue to be sure she is hydrated.

2) Change her pad frequently, especially after a BM, to prevent he bacteria from the poo reaching the Urinary Track. Two of the battery were of that type.

3)Discuss with Dr. Sand the possibility that UTI's might be as a result of menopause.

4) Begin cranberry extract. Cranberry juice has a lot of sugar. Extract will be better.

5)Ask Dr. Sand about taking an antibiotic daily.

We also discussed the move to Hospice. She suggested it was premature until we get the meds for UTI's and seizures under control.

She will add a blood test for thyroid for the blood draw on 2/8

She suggests we email Dr. Sand with the current state of Maureen's health before the Tuesday call.

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