6:52am Maureen is awake, lightly stirring. She is lying on her right side.
7:30am Repositioned Maureen to her left side. Her diaper is dry.
8:30am We begin our day. Maureen’s diaper is slightly wet. Cleaned thoroughly with 3M cleanser spray and washcloth. Applied Cavilon barrier cream to inner thighs and near rectum. Applied Cavilon film to pressure sore area and Mupirocin to open areas. Applied Nystatin on red spot under lower breast. Put on a new pull-up and transferred to geri chair using the Hoyer lift.
9:01am Replaced Maureen’s upper and lower partials and administered thyroid medication prior to breakfast.
9:24am Maureen finished her breakfast: oatmeal with a banana, half a cup of prune juice, and a full cup of water.
Administered a dose of MIRALAX this morning.
9:35am Administered LISINOPRIL and baby Aspirin with applesauce.
9:43am Oral care followed by facial cleanse routine. Also cleaned Maureen’s eyelashes with baby shampoo and eye drops.
10:15am Maureen is very tense so we decided to head in to the bathroom. Her pull-up is dry. Maureen urinated and had a very large, formed bowel movement. Cleaned up and put on a new pull-up. We headed to the front room after.
11:00am Visit with Val Diaz, RN. A couple notes from her visit:
Vitals: BP 134/82, Pulse 74, O2 97%.
Val reiterated the benefits of taking MIRALAX every other day. We can always give less if it gets to the point where she is having loose stools but for right now to continue giving a full dose every other day.
Val stated that Maureen’s pressure sore and the open areas look great and are healing. She applied a 3x3 foam dressing over the affected areas near her rectum. She recommended applying the dressing every night at bedtime and to continue applying Mupirocin three times per day. Overall, we should continue what we are doing. Per Val, more dressings should be coming in the mail soon.
Today was Val’s last visit as she is leaving Northshore. She will be in touch with regards to who will be coming to visit next week.
12:38pm Maureen’s pull-up is medium wet. We headed to the bathroom. After 10 minutes, Maureen did not urinate or move her bowels. We cleaned up and put on a new pull-up.
12:45pm Kathy came for a visit to wash and style Maureen’s hair.
1:18pm For lunch, Maureen will eat half a ham sandwich, a sliced tomato, and a bottle of organic coconut water. She also drank half a cup of water. Oral care to follow.
2:22pm Maureen’s pull-up is wet so we headed to the bedroom for a change. Transferred Maureen to bed using the Hoyer lift. Cleaned, removed the 3x3 foam dressing, applied Mupirocin to open areas, and put on a fresh pull-up. We went to the front room after.
2:45pm Maureen is in the recliner in the front room with Sister Roberta.
3:30pm Fruit snack time.
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