8:00AM - Maureen's already awake, calmly lying down on her left side. Tom informed that she woke up around 7:20am, no signs of distress or pain. Had sips of water via swab.
**Coughed once and used suction machine.
8:30AM - In an upright position, we administer 75mcg of Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
8:45AM - Me and Joanna washed Maureen's upper body with warmed purple wipes. No redness/rashes on skin. Diaper was clean and dry - no vaginal discharges. Applied Cavilon barrier film on sacrum and Cavilon cream on inner thighs. Finished dressing and proceed to the kitchen.
9:00AM - Breakfast - 8oz prune juice with 1 cap MiraLAX, oatmeal/fruit smoothie, and yogurt. Maureen finished half a cup of lemon water. Coughed 2x, sneezed once.
**Reclined geri chair one notch for comfort.
MiraLAX dose for today - 1 cap
9:40AM - Oral care.
9:50AM - Facial and hand care routine.
10:00AM - Maureen closed her eyes for a nap.
11:00AM - Kelsie, RN arrived for the weekly nurse visit. No wheezes heard. Bowel sound heard on stomach.
Pulse - 76bpm
BP: 104/50
Arm circ - 22.5cm
Leg circ - 33 cm
11:30AM - We moved Maureen to the bedroom for her 1st rest break. Diaper was heavy wet, we cleaned/dried and changed her. Position to face her right side.
12:35PM - 1st rest break ended. Diaper was medium wet, we cleaned and changed her. Finished dressing and transferred to the kitchen.
12:45PM - Lunch was potato salad, beets and chicken soup. Maureen had a cup of sparkling water. Coughed once.
1:30PM - Oral care.
1:40PM - Neb treatment - Saline sol'n.
Maureen stayed awake after lunch - sitting comfortably on her chair while listening to the music.
2:30PM - We transferred Maureen to the bedroom for her 2nd rest break, diaper was medium wet - ver small clear discharge on diaper. We cleaned/dried and change her. Position to face her left side.
3:30PM - 2nd rest break ended. Diaper was dry and clean. We proceed to dress her and transferred to the front room.
3:42PM - Fruit snack (kiwi, pear and melon).