8:00am Maureen’s awake, having few sips of water via swab. Tom tells she’s been in an out of sleep since 7am.
8:30am Maureen is sleeping.
9:00am Maureen’s awake, we raised the bed to administer 75mcg Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
9:10am Joanna and I started our day giving Maureen an upper body bath using warmed purple wipes, no redness observed. Clean/change a medium wet diaper, applied Cavilon barrier film to sacrum, barrier cream to inner thighs area. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
Reclined Geri chair one notch for Maureen’s comfort.
9:30am Breakfast starts with fresh pear, coffee, a cup of lemon water and 4oz Activia yogurt.
9:40am Administered 10mg loratadine and 1 Colace capsule with yogurt.
9:55am Breakfast cont. with an oatmeal/fruit smoothie. Maureen coughed and sneezed twice.
No Metamucil, Colace instead
10:20am Oral care.
10:30am Facial routine performed.
Reclined Geri chair two notches for Maureen’s comfort.
Carolyn arrives for Maureen’s nurse visit.
11:00am Kelsie, RN arrives for Maureen’s weekly visit:
Lungs are clear
Temp: 98.1
Pulse: 62
BP: 110/68
11:30am Transferred to the bedroom for Maureen’s first resting break. Diaper it’s dry, positioned on her right side.
12:30pm First break ends. Clean/change a medium wet diaper, dressed and headed Maureen to the patio for lunch.
12:50pm Lunch: Sweet peas soup, chicken salad with fresh tomatoes, and a full cup of sparkling water.
1:40pm Oral care.
2:20pm Maureen sits relaxed and alert listening to her playlist. In the meantime, she had 3/4 cup of lemon water.
2:30pm Transferred to the bedroom for Maureen’s second resting break. Clean/change a medium wet diaper, then positioned on her left side.
3:30pm Second break ends. Diaper it’s dry, dressed and headed to the living room.
3:45pm Maureen’s enjoying her fruit snack (melon/pear/kiwi).