4:00 pm: Maureen was relaxing in the reclainer and watching TV.
4:45 pm: dry diaper.
4:50 pm: dinner: Chicken encillada corn bread pie
1 cup of lemon water.
Maureen coughed three times during the dinner.
5:50 pm : 12,5 ml VIMPAT and 5 mg OLANZAPINE with apple souce.
6:10 pm: Evening oral care.
6:20 pm: We transferred Maureen to the bedroom.
Medium wet diaper. Very small formed BM. Cleaned and changed, applied Cavilon cream.
Applied Cetaphil Lotion on her face, legs, feet and hands.
Temp.: 97,6
Oxygen: 86
Heart Rate: 57
6:50 pm: asleep.