4:00 PM. Arrived. Maureen is sitting comfortably on her recliner chair watching Game shows.
**giving her sips of water
5:00 PM. Dinner- beef pot roast bowl and a cup of lemon water. **she coughed 2x
5:30 PM. Blood pressure was 110/70 and pulse was 80bpm
6:00 PM. Administered 5mg of Olanzapine and 12.5ml of Vimpat with apple sauce.
6:15 PM. Oral and denture care done.
6:30 PM. Transferred Maureen back to bedroom. Her diaper was heavy wet. She also had large soft bowel movement. Cleaned, dried and changed. Applied Cavilon cream to perineal area and Cetaphil lotion to arms and legs. Positioned Maureen to face left with 2 wedge pillows and a pillow in between her legs.
Vital signs:
Temp: 98.4°
Pulse: 69bpm
O2: 96%