4:00pm Maureen is relaxing in the recliner while watching Friends with Carolyn.
4:45pm Checked diaper, it was dry.
4:50pm Blood pressure: 114/66, P 73.
5:00pm Dinner: Honey garlic chicken, brown rice with zucchini/spinach and half cup of lemon water. Maureen enjoyed. She coughed twice.
5:50pm Evening meds: 12.5ml Vimpat, 5mg Olanzapine w/apple sauce.
6:00pm Oral care.
6:20pm Transferred Maureen to the bedroom. Diaper was medium wet, cleaned and changed, applied Cavilon cream. Wiped clean hands and face, applied Cetaphil cream, including lower extremities. Noticed slight redness by her left arm fold, applied nystatin powder.
6:50pm Positioned on her left side, Maureen goes to sleep for the night.
Vitals: Temp: 96.7, Pulse: 68, O2: 97.
Tuesday February 27, 2024 Swing shift
Updated: Feb 27, 2024