6:30 am- Maureen is awake. She is laying on her left side. Tom is laying down with her.
7:00 am- Maureen is closing her eyes from time to time. The diaper is dry.
7:30 am- Maureen is in and out of sleep. Diaper remains dry.
8:00 am- Maureen is still in and out of sleep.
8:30 am- Maureen is slowly waking up. Her diaper is still dry.
9:00 am- Maureen is awake and we started our morning. The diaper is dry. Dalia and I washed Maureen's upper body. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
9:15 am- Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
9:17 am- Breakfast- oatmeal, banana, 8 oz of prune juice with 1/2 a cup of Miralax, cup of water. There were 3 coughs and 2 sneezes.
9:5( am- Loratadin and Lisinopril administered.
Daily Miralax dosage- 1/2 cup.
10:00 am- Morning oral care.
10:10 am- Facial routine.
10: 15 am- Maureen started the day with a very low energy. It picked up during breakfast. She was tilting forward so we had to recline the geri chair to finish breakfast . Congestion is minimal.
10:20 am- Maureen is falling asleep in the chair.
10:55 am- Maureen took a half an hour sleep. She is awake and enjoying her smoothie now.
11:25 am- We took Maureen to the bedroom for her first rest break. The diaper was medium wet. Dalia and I cleaned her using 3 M products .During the changing Maureen urinated and had a large formed bowel movement. We cleaned, changed and positioned Maureen on her right side at 11:40 am.
12:40 pm- Rest break # 1 ends. Maureen's diaper is dry. We dressed and brought Maureen to the kitchen.
12:50 pm- Lunch- chicken noodle soup, scoop of tuna salad, half of pealed fresh tomatoe, 12 oz bottle of coconut water, cup of water. Maureen coughed twice.
1:20 pm- Oral care.
1:25 pm- We reclined Maureen's chair down one notch for her comfort. Maureen is very quiet and lethargic this afternoon.
2:00 pm- We headed to the bedroom for Maureen's second rest break. The diaper was medium wet. Dalia and I performed a clean and change. Maureen will lie down on her left side for an hour starting at 2:15 pm.
3:15 pm- Rest break # 2 is over. Maureen's diaper was medium wet and she had a small formed bowel movement. Dalia and I cleaned and changed her. Dressed and headed to the living room.
3:40 pm- Fruit snack.
Tuesday, December 13 Daytime update