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Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023 - Daytime Summary

8:00AM - Came in with Dalia at bedside with Maureen - positioned on her left side of the bed. According to Dalia, Maureen was calmly sleeping when she arrived at 6:30am and haven't opened or moved her eyes yet until this time.

8:30AM - Maureen's still sleeping.

8:55AM - Maureen opened her eyes briefly and went back to sleep again.

P - 39bpm

O2 - 97%

9:15AM - We switched Maureen's position facing her right side. She slightly opened her eyes, looked sleepy and eventually went back to sleep again.

9:50AM - Maureen opened her eyes a lil' bit and just went back to sleep right away.

P - 45

O2 - 97%

10:00AM - Maureen opened her eyes and looked awake - ready to start her day. Raised bed and in upright position, administered 75mcg of Levothyroxine, 10mins after she woke up.

10:15AM - Proceed with washing Maureen's upper body. Diaper was slightly wet, no redness observed on skin. Applied Cavilon barrier film on sacral area, Cavilon cream on diaper folds. Finished dressing and transferred Maureen to the kitchen.

10:30AM - Breakfast - oatmeal/fruit smoothie, 6oz prune juice with 1/4 cap MiraLAX. Coughed 2x.

*We tried to get BP reading prior to breakfast 2x however, we are getting error message. We will try to take it after her late breakfast.

10:50AM - Administered 10mg Loratadine with applesauce.

Daily MiraLAX dosage: 1/4 cap

11:00AM - Oral care. Reclined geri chair one notch after for Maureen's comfort.

11:10AM - Nebulizer with Saline Sol'n.

11:25AM - Facial and hand care.

11:30AM - BP: 118/106, 43

**Maureen snoozing after BP was taken.

12:00PM - BP: 82/60, 49

**Will hold BP meds for now.

12:15PM - Transferred Maureen to the bedroom for her 1st Rest Break. Diaper was dry. Positioned lying on her back starting @12:20PM with elevated feet (higher than heart level) for 15mins to raise pulse rate up as per adviced by Carolyn.

P - 50bpm

12:30PM - Attempted to get another BP reading after we elevated feet - 76/65, 51. Positioned Maureen on her right side @12:40PM

1:00PM - Shortened rest break due to Maureen got up late this morning. Diaper was medium wet. Cleaned and changed. Transferred to the kitchen.

1:15PM - Lunch - mixed veggie soup, egg salad, cut up fresh tomato. Maureen finished her 12oz of sparkling water. No coughs. Reclined geri chair one notch after lunch.

1:45PM - Oral care.

2:00PM - Maureen sitting comfortably on her chair, not sleepy at all and been silent today than her usual. However, she has more energy after her 1st rest break compared when she woke up this morning.

2:35PM - Tranferred Maureen to the bedroom for her 2nd Rest Break. Diaper was dry. Positioned Maureen to face on her left side @2:40PM.

3:30PM - 2nd rest break ended. Diaper was heavy wet. Cleaned and changed thoroughly. Transferred Maureen to the front room.

3:45PM - Melon and pear fruit snack while watching her fave game show.

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