6:30 am- Maureen is asleep. She is laying on her left side.
7:00 am- Maureen is sleeping.
7:30- Maureen is still asleep.
8:00 am- Maureen is in and out of sleep.
8:30 am- Maureen is awake now. We raised the bed and administered Levothyroxine with apple sauce.
8:45 am- We started the day. Maureen's diaper was medium wet. Joanna and I cleaned and changed her. Applied Cavilon Barrier film and Cavilon cream. We washed Maureen's upper body. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
9:00 am- Breakfast- Smoothie, 6 oz of prune juice with 1/4 cup of Miralax, cup of lemon water. Two coughs.
9:25 am- Administered Loratadin and Lisinopril.
Daily Miralax dosage- 1/4 cup.
9:30 am- Morning oral care.
9:40 am- Eye wash and eye drops.
9:45 am- Facial routine.
10:30 am- Maureen is resting in the chair. She is very awake and engaging this morning.
11:10 am- We transferred Maureen to bed. Her diaper was medium wet and there was very little vaginal discharge. Joanna and I cleaned and changed her. Positioned Maureen on her right side at 11:25 am.
12:25 pm- First rest break ends. Maureen's diaper was dry. Joanna and I changed it. There was no vaginal discharge this time. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.
12::35 pm- Lunch- Vegetable soup, baked cod fish, fresh cherry tomatoes. Chobani yogurt for dessert, cup of lemon water. Maureen coughed twice.
1:10 pm- Oral care. We reclined Maureen's chair after.
1:30 pm- Maureen is closing her eyes at times.
2:30 pm- We transferred Maureen to bed. Diaper was dry. We changed it. There was no vaginal discharge. Maureen will lie on her left side for an hour starting at 2:45 pm. 3:45 pm- Second rest break is over. Maureen's diaper was medium wet. Joanna and I cleaned and changed her. There was no vaginal discharge. Dressed Maureen and headed to the living room.
4:00 pm- Fresh fruit snack- watermelon, pear and kiwi.
Thursday, July 6 Daytime update