4:00PM - Maureen enjoyed her fruit snack while sitting comfortably and watching her game shows. Coughed once.
5:00PM - Diaper was dry.
BP: 105/63, P: 67 bpm
5:05PM - Dinner was pasta with sausage, pesto, spinach, tomato and cheese prepared by Carolyn. Maureen ate well and liked it. Coughed 2x.
5:45PM - Administered 5mg Olanzapine with apple sauce and 12.5ml Vimpat.
6:00PM - Oral care.
6:20PM - We transferred Maureen to the bedroom. Diaper was medium wet. We cleaned and changed her. Applied Cavilon cream on folds. Position to face her left side with pillows in between legs and 2 wedges on her back.
6:40PM - Maureen is sleeping.
T - 96.8
P - 59bpm
O2 - 98%