4:00PM - Maureen enjoyed her fruit snack while relaxing on her recliner. Coughed once.
4:50PM - Dinner was rigatoni, sloppy joes and potato salad. Maureen finished a cup of lemon water. She ate pretty well. Coughed once.
5:15PM - Diaper was lightly wet.
5:45PM - Administered 5mg of Olanzapine with apple sauce and 12.5ml of Vimpat.
5:50PM - BP: 110/60, P: 75 bpm
6:00PM - Oral care.
6:20PM - We transferred Maureen to the bedroom. Diaper was medium wet. We cleaned and changed her. Applied Cavilon cream on folds. Applied Nystatin powder on the almost
non-visible redness on right underarm. Applied Cetaphil lotion on face, arms and legs. Position to face her left side with pillow in between her legs and 2 wedges on her back.
6:40PM - Maureen is already sleeping.
T - 97.1
P - 60 bpm
O2 - 97%