4:00pm - Maureen is sitting comfortably in her recliner, fruit snack is done, with no coughs. she also enjoyed sips of lemon water in between.
4:40pm- B/P: 97/75 pulse: 70
5:20pm- Dinner: tuna casserole. Maureen finished all of it with sips of lemon water. x2 coughs
6:00pm- Evening meds, 12.5ml Vimpat, 5mg Olanzapine with apple sauce.
6:15pm- oral care
6:30pm- Transterred Maureen to the bedroom. Diaper was heavy wet. changed and cleaned Maureen applied Cavilon cream; wiped clean hands and face. Positioned Maureen to her left side.
6:50pm- Maureen is in bed ready to sleep
vitals: temp- 96.7
Pulse- 75
O2- 95