8 00 Maureen is waking up
8 25 The day begins. The diaper was heavy wet, we applied 3M products
8 40 Bed bath
8 50 Sandy performed excercises with Maureen
9 05 We headed to the kitchen
9 10 Nebulizer treatment
9 21 A thyroid pill with an applesauce
9 22 A spoonful of Manuka Honey
9 23 Breakfast begins. A banana, an omelette, a 6oz of prune juice and a cup of water
9 51 A blood pressure and an allergy pills with an applesauce
9 52 Oral and Facial
10 30 We headed outside to take a walk. We visited Maureen's favorite garden and walked about 2 miles
11 30 We came back home
11 40 The diaper was heavy wet, the bowel movement was medium and soft
11 50 Rest Period 1
12 30 Rest Period 1 ended. The diaper was light wet
12 40 We came to the kitchen
12 48 Deacon Andy visited Maureen with the Communion
1 00 Lunch begins. A chicken noodle soup, grilled veggies, a ham cheese sandwich, a potato salad and a cup of coconut water
1 40 Oral Care
2 05
2 15 We went to the bedroom. The diaper was medium wet. Maureen was tired
2 23 Rest Period 2
3 23 Rest Period 2 ended. The diaper was heavy wet. We went to the living room
3 40 Fruit Bowl
4 05 Maureen is watching her favorite game shows
5 30 Nebulizer treatment
5 42 We headed to the bedroom. The diaper was heavy wet. Then, we went to the kitchen
6 00 Dinner begins. Fried chicken, potatos and coleslaw. A cup of water
6 44 A pudding with an Olanzapine pill
6 48 7.5mL of Vimpat
6 50 Oral Care
7 00 We headed to the bedroom. Maureen was really sleepy
7 05 The diaper was medium wet
7 16 Maureen's vitals tonight:
96.9 F, 72 bmp, 98%