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Summary of July 7, 2021 RN visit


Maureen's regular nurse Valerie is on vacation. Carolyn came in her place. She was at the house on one prior occasion. The following bullet points summarize the visit:

  • Carolyn commented on how well all of us are caring for Maureen.

  • Temperature was 97.8. Carolyn could not get Maureen's blood pressure to register. She tried two different devices—also could not get Maureen oxygen level to register.

  • She checked Maureen's legs and noted no swelling.

  • We asked Carolyn to examine Maureen's right eye. She opined that it looked like irritation not infection. The irritation could be caused by dryness. Carolyn recommended using Visine eye drops.

According to Carolyn, it is likely Maureen will have only one more visit with an RN.

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