Dr. Parise arrived at 1:30. He is Maureen's podiatrist.
In his opinion, all of Maureen's nails are in very good shape. He noted the new nails growing at the base of each big toe.
Dr. Parise proceeded to cut all of Maureen's toenails. While working on the right big toe, he chose to remove all of the old nail. The removal of the "old" right toenail caused a little bleeding. The bleeding caused him to say he might have been a bit too "aggressive." He did not remove the "old" left toenail.
I told Dr. Parise our current tube of Tolcylen was running low. He said that since there is new nail growth in both big toenails, the medication has served its purpose. It worked .
Once we use up the current tube of Tolcylen, we no longer have to apply it to Maureen's two big toenails.
Summary of Maureen's podiatrist's, Dr. Dan Parise, 4-6-22 house visit