6:00 pm: dinner: pork, veggies, califlower rice
7:10 pm : 5 MG OLANZAPINE with yogurt
Rinsed mouth using oral swab with warm salt water
Used Proxabrush
Rinsed mouth using oral swab with Peroxyl
Brushed teeth with electric toothbrush
Clean up face and hands, baby oil and Cetaphil lotion applied
7:45 bed: very wet diaper : cleaned and changed in bed ( A&D lotion and Mupirocin applied)
Ciclopirox applied to both right and left big toe
VICK'S on chest and throat,
position: right side
10:00 pm : medium wet, cleaned and changed,
repositioned: left side
10:10 pm: asleep
1:00 am: dry, repositioned: : right side
2.30 am : dry
4.20 am : a littlie wet, cleaned and changed,
repositioned: left side
She slept very good all night.