6:53AM - Maureen has been awake since 6:30. Djon just checked her diaper. It is dry.
Our day officially began @ 8:05AM. Maureen was in good form—alert and engaged. Her diaper was wet. As we were removing the diaper, Maureen had a small formed bowel movement. Djon thoroughly cleaned Maureen using the 3M Cavilon Cleanse Spray and the warmed wipes from the purple packet. Djon then applied the 3M No Sting Barrier Film to the pressure sore area. He also applied Mupirocin Ointment to both of the "bite mark" areas. Lastly, Djon applied 3M Cavilon Barrier Cream to Maureen's buttocks and inner thigh areas.
Pressure Sore and Bite Mark Update> In Djon's opinion, the pressure sore is completely gone at this point. I concur. Both of the bite marks are virtually gone. At some point in the near future, we should consider discounting the application of the 3M Cavilon No Sting Barrier Barrier Film and the Mupirocin Ointment to these two areas.
Breakfast service commenced @ 8:36AM. Before beginning, Djon administered the thyroid pill. Maureen's posture in the geri chair is very good. She was listing a bit to the left. We inserted a green wedge pillow horizontally to straighten out her position. Djon administered the blood pressure pill and baby aspirin @ 9:02Am.
Maureen will consume 1/2 a glass of unadulterated prune juice this morning.
MiraLAX update - We administered 1/2 a packet of MiraLAX in Maureen's prune juice this morning.
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS @ 9:07AM> Maureen'e eyes are partially open this morning. Arms are positioned high upon her chest. Her hands are partially clenched. There is a little gunk/sleep in her eyelashes Djon will clean them with Johnson's Baby Shampoo and warm water.
Maureen coughed 3-4 times during breakfast. This is about average. She sneezed twice.
9:30AM - We began the process of getting Maureen down into the family room for a stroll around the neighborhood.
9:46AM - Stroll begins
10:21AM - We returned home after a one mile stroll.
10:30AM - Maureen's pull up was wet. We headed to the bathroom. At about the eight minute mark, she had a large formed bowel movement. Djon throughly cleaned Maureen. He then put a fresh pull up on and headed out to the lift recliner.
11:00AM - Organic fruit smoothie. There is nothing better on a hot and humid day.
12:20PM - Lunch - Maureen had a 1/2 bowl of homemade mushroom soup, a small mango salad and 1/2 a tuna salad sandwich on toasted whole wheat.
1:10PM - Djon checked the pull up. It was wet. We headed to the bedroom for a clean and change since Maureen had a large BM earlier today. Djon cleaned her thoroughly. He applied a small amount of Mupirocin Ointment to the "bug bites." We then put on a new pull up. It was off to the front room where we placed Maureen in the lift recliner.
3:00PM - Fruit snack
3:40PM - Maureen's pull up was soaked. It has seeped through to her shorts, shirt and the pad. Carolyn and I took Maureen to the bedroom. We thoroughly cleaned her, put on a new pull up and a fresh pair of shorts and a shirt. Afterwards, we took Maureen to the front room and placed her in the lift recliner.
September 13 daytime update