5:00pm, Maureen was sitting in her recliner, relaxing, watching tv, we took her to the commode, no activity after 10 minutes, changed her me wet pull-ups to a fresh one, after cleaning her up.
5:30pm, we were sitting in the kitchen preparing for dinner. Orange chicken, vegetable fried rice, and a full cup of water was had tonight, very good appetite.
6:30pm, 5mg OLANZAPINE with yogurt and 7.5ml of VIMPAT were administered, followed by oral care, cleanup with warm washcloth, changing to a fresh t-shirt for bed, and Cetaphil applied to face, arms and hands to keep her skin smooth.
7;15pm, using the Hoyer lift, we transferred Maureen to bed, changed out of her medium wet pull-ups, cleaned her up very well, put some MUPIROCIN on the area where her sores were and put a fresh diaper on
Laying on her left side, she was asleep by 7:45.
9:15pm, medium wet diaper, cleaned, changed and repositionEd right.
11:20pm, she coughed a little, checked in on her, still dry.
11:50pm, heavy wet, cleaned and changed, reposition to the left
2:10am, checked her, still dry.
2:30am, medium wet diaper, cleaned and changed, reposition right
4:35am, medium wet diaper, cleaned, changed, reposition left.