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Saturday, July 23 Daytime update

  • 8:00 am- Maureen is asleep. Marie said that Maureen opened her eyes from time to time, but went back to sleep.

  • 8:30 am- Maureen is in and out of sleep.

  • 9:00 am- Maureen is waking up now. She looks sleepy and tired.

  • 9:15 am- Maureen is awake. We raised the bed and administered Levothyroxine with apple sauce.

  • 9:25 am- Maureen BP is 117/58, Pulse - 58. Marie and I proceeded with giving Maureen a full body bed bath. Diaper was medium wet. We cleaned and changed her. Applied Cavilon Barrier film and Cavilon cream. Dressed and headed to the kitchen.

  • 9:45 am- Breakfast- Oatmeal smoothie, 6 oz of prune juice with 1/4 cup of Miralax. Maureen coughed once.

  • Daily Miralax dosage- 1/4 cup.

  • 10:15 am- Administered Loratadin and Lisinopril . We reclined Maureen's chair.

  • 10:20 am- Morning oral care.

  • 10:25 am- Facial routine.

  • 11:00 am- Maureen is resting in the chair, sipping on lemon water.

  • 11:30 am- Maureen's BP- 117/74.

  • 11:35 am- We transferred Maureen to the bedroom for her first rest break. Diaper was medium wet. Marie and I cleaned and changed her. Positioned Maureen on her right side at 11:45 am.

  • 12:40 pm- Maureen's rest break ends. Her diaper was dry. Marie and I dressed her and proceeded with washing Maureen's hair with Ketoconazole 2% shampoo. We let it stay on her scalp for 4 minutes. Then rinsed , transferred Maureen to the chair and headed to the kitchen.

  • 12:55 pm- Lunch- Lentils soup, ham salad and steamed beets. Half of Chobani yogurt for dessert, cup of lemon water. Maureen coughed once.

  • 1:30 pm- Oral care. We reclined Maureen's chair.

  • 2:00 pm- Maureen is resting, sipping on her third cup of water for today, giving us a lot of smiles. She has a great energytoday and is engaging with us.

  • 2:20 pm- We transferred Maureen to the bedroom for her second rest break. Diaper was medium wet. Marie and I cleaned and changed her. Maureen will lie on her left side for an hour starting at 2:35 pm.

  • 3:35 pm- Second rest break ends. Maureen's diaper was medium wet. Marie and I cleaned and changed her. Dressed and headed to the living room.

  • 3:55 pm- BP- 128/72

  • 4:00 pm- Fresh fruit snack- watermelon, pear and kiwi.

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